
Friday Jan 20, 2017
#80: E.T.: The Capable of Flight Big Paul
Friday Jan 20, 2017
Friday Jan 20, 2017
A heart-warming classic about friendship and trust, loved by generations and considered iconic the world over, Verbal Discharge returns at last for another podcast!
It's been a while since we last did a normal episode, so we hope you didn't miss us too badly. This week, Robbie predicts the events of E.T., James tries to help YOU with YOUR New Year's Resolution, and Ben builds a robot that can churn out works of beautiful literature. All this and more on our last show before the Trumpocalypse!

Sunday Jan 15, 2017
#79 Pt3: The Year in Bigdad's Festive Dog Seances
Sunday Jan 15, 2017
Sunday Jan 15, 2017
All good things must come to an end. And so must all things that started out OK but have really been dragged out for too long now.
Join Team Discharge as they explore the cavernous wonders of the podcasts put out between late-September and the end of the year! Alongside two (Count 'em!) live shows, the boys mark both Jordan and Ben's deaths, their subsequent revivals, the discovery of countless new characters and species, plus one interview that went ahead (Danny Howard) and one that didn't (Lethal Bizzle). It's all here on the podcast, alongside a heartfelt thank you to everyone who's helped us this last year. Listen. James almost cries. He doesn't, but maybe it might be different if you listen to it. You never know.
We'll be back properly next week!

Sunday Jan 08, 2017
#79 Pt2: The Year in Drunk Olympic Brexit Penises
Sunday Jan 08, 2017
Sunday Jan 08, 2017
Our review of 2016 continues, as we cross the boundary of Brexit, cover the Olympics, and seem to spend an awful lot of time talking about dicks...
It's the second of our frankly-too-long Best Of show, as we cover episodes 51 through to 64, which includes the point of no return that is Brexit, amongst other things. Witness Robbie having a breakdown in 46 seconds. Hear Ben's most foolhardy drunken tales. Listen as James speculates about willies over and over. And lend an ear to Jordan, as he invents a new country that definitely isn't Russia. It's the best of the best, here on and from Verbal Discharge.

Sunday Jan 01, 2017
#79 Pt1: The Year in Erotic Green Punk Duck Chancellors
Sunday Jan 01, 2017
Sunday Jan 01, 2017
It's that time of year again, the time when you think about the fact it's a year rather than simply accepting it. And, as such, Discharge is looking back on our last year in full, as we reflect on each podcast from 2016...
In the first of three parts, join us as we relive what has been a frankly busy year for Verbal Discharge. We present the best moments and out-of-context audio clips from episodes 36 to 50 of the podcast, which saw the introductions of Ducky McDuck, Grak and other lovable Verbal Discharge characters, we interview the leader of the Green Party, personally victimise George Osborne and all kinds of other nonsense! Basically, it's better than a normal podcast because it's just the good bits. We've also got the Verbal Discharge team introducing their favourite bits, plus a supercut of us saying our favourite phrase of the year, "Keith Chegwin's Penis". Enjoy, and we'll see you in a few days time for Part Two!

Saturday Dec 24, 2016
#78: The True Meaning of Christmas
Saturday Dec 24, 2016
Saturday Dec 24, 2016
Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas! It's time for your gift from The Podcast Santa, as a new show from your favourite Derby-based comedy podcast not about squid lands in your delightful festive inbox...
This week, the Discharge team attempts to unravel the True Meaning of Christmas by traveling the globe, collecting and studying traditions from all over the world. James investigates Holland's perculirly racist traditions, Ben uncovers the violent mysteries of Australian Christmas, Robbie interviews a passing Frenchman about how he's spending his Noél, and Jordan gets stuck in Turkey without hope or wi-fi. All this and (admittedly only a tiny bit) more, on this week's festive Discharge podcast!
Merry Christmas, and send your mum our best!

Saturday Dec 17, 2016
#77: A Very Verbal Discharge Nativity LIVE
Saturday Dec 17, 2016
Saturday Dec 17, 2016
Away in a Maypole, no crib for his beer, the Little Lord Discharge lay down his sweet Christmas Show...
On Thursday, Verbal Discharge held our first Chirstmas live show at the Maypole Cafe-Bar & Theatre, with a full nativity play, with the Discharge team playing all the roles between them. It was a Brexxit-based goblin-filled spectacle as we forgot our lines, missed our cues and watched as our costumes unraveled on stage. And you''l be able to see all of that soon, but here, for this podcast, you can now witness the second half of the show, as we recorded a post-show podcast, live on stage! On this week's show, James sees a Christmasy penis, Jordan shows a Christmasy penis, Robbie quizzes us on the second coming, and Ben refuses to marry a primary schooler. All this and more, on our very special Nativity show podcast...

Friday Dec 09, 2016
#76: Transmogrification and the Adventures of Bigdad
Friday Dec 09, 2016
Friday Dec 09, 2016
Gather one and all, as we tell you this yuletime of the many adventures of Bigfoot, the most feared of creatures, and Bigdad, the creature even Bigfoot feared...
It's a goddamn bona fide classic of an episode this week, as usual. On this week's show, Jordan writes a new work of genius, Ben speculates on the existence of a legendary beast and Robbie reads some letters and runs out of toilet roll. All this and more, on a podcast so good we're going to abandon the format next week because we can't top it and do a Nativity play instead!
Our Christmas live show is next Thursday, the 15th December, at The Maypole Café-Bar & Theatre, 7:30PM doors for an 8PM start. Please come along, it's going to be a thrilling evening of thrills and Christmasy nativity nonsense.

Friday Dec 02, 2016
#75: In Memory of Jordan D.L. Reynolds (1992-2016)
Friday Dec 02, 2016
Friday Dec 02, 2016
Just eight minutes before we were due to record, Jordan tragically passed away. The following podcast is exclusively comprised of live coverage from his funeral. Join us, as we look back on the life, times, crimes and misdemeanors of Jordan Daniel Leonard Reynolds.
This week, Robbie, James, a belligerent vicar, some French guy, Michael Caine and a cow from a nearby field deliver their eulogies and tributes to Jordan, the choir serenades his memory with a rendition of Jordan's favourite song, and a freak storm brings an alarming surprise... This is the Funeral of Jordan Reynolds. Please stand by, and prepare the handkerchief.

Friday Nov 25, 2016
#74: Officially Better than Kevin Smith
Friday Nov 25, 2016
Friday Nov 25, 2016
We apologise for the fact so much of this week's podcast sounds like it was recorded on a potato. There's a section in the middle where the audio's fine. Please don't be put off. We worked hard on it. You're going to make us cry now.
On this week's show, we welcome aboard the man who claims to be Discharge's biggest fan, and he goads us into finally unveiling something we have been long-since banned from mentioning. James shows us a little bit too much, Ben has an awful job interview, Robbie briefly brings back a much-loved comedy character and Jordan gets his own simulator. All this and more, in a podcast you can just about make out the words in.

Friday Nov 18, 2016
#73: At Bizzlefest 2k16!
Friday Nov 18, 2016
Friday Nov 18, 2016
Every year, thousands gather to celebrate the world's greatest and most popular man, Lethal Bizzle. And this year, Verbal Discharge has exclusive rights to cover it...
Seeing as there's no major stories in the news, this week Discharge takes a step aside to cover a brand new festival dedicated to world-class grime artist Lethal Bizzle, as Robbie and James report live from backstage at a Lethal Bizzle gig! There's also a lovely little compilation of others things we've said and done that you've never heard before, including extensive discussion of Chris Tarrant's penis! You might as well listen, it's the shortest show we've ever done.

Tuesday Nov 08, 2016
#72: Make Nottingham Great Again LIVE
Tuesday Nov 08, 2016
Tuesday Nov 08, 2016
On November 7th 2016, Verbal Discharge set out to Make
Nottingham Great Again with another live show, this time from the Malt
Cross, in Nottingham's city centre.
our US Election special, from a room near a flooded cave in Nottingham!
On this week's show, we have Trump-themed music by our special guest, the Midlands' finest wielder of a ukulele, Edi Johnston!
We then have two hours of tremendous satire, just excellent satire,
many people have said that it really is the best satire, it made people
laugh bigly, it is tremendous satire on the US election. James
investigates a web of lies, Robbie plays a game of Pin the Tale on the
Donald, Jordan stands for election and Ben uncovers a grand conspiracy.
Enjoy it, considering the way the election's looking, it might be your
last chance.
This podcast is going up a matter of hours
before polls close on the 2016 election, and was recorded before a live
audience 24 hours before they opened, so we have to stress everything
was fine and not doomed at the time of recording & release. If
you're listening after the result is announced, chances are that's

Friday Nov 04, 2016
#71: Dog Killer Johnson Vs The World
Friday Nov 04, 2016
Friday Nov 04, 2016
He's there. Over your shoulder. Lurking. Waiting. Ready to
pounce at any moment. You can't see him, but he lives in your shadow.
Watch out. These are your last moments. So use them wisely and listen to
this week's Verbal Discharge podcast.
[btw gang our US election live show is on monday. just letting you know. please come. malt cross. nottingham. 7pm. ok cool see you there.]

Friday Oct 28, 2016
#70: In Memory of Benjamin David Knight (1993-2016)
Friday Oct 28, 2016
Friday Oct 28, 2016
Welcome to the spookiest
podcast of the year, where spooky songs are sung and dead spooky podcast
hosts are channeled through living spooky podcast hosts...

Friday Oct 21, 2016
#69: The Large Boom Hypothesis - A Gradual Maddening
Friday Oct 21, 2016
Friday Oct 21, 2016
Earlier this week, we posted a seemingly-innocent poll. It
asked which critically-panned sitcom should we try to marathon, and
record our slow descent into madness? Well, The Big Bang Theory was the
run-away winner, and the descent was anything but slow.

Friday Oct 14, 2016
#68: Aladdin Caine
Friday Oct 14, 2016
Friday Oct 14, 2016
My name is Discharge. Funny name for an English podcast, I
know. My hosts to be were on the same plane when it crashed. That's how
they met. They named me after the name of the plane. Not many people are
named after a plane crash. The plane is a metaphor for our experience recording this week's podcast.
you wish upon a podcast, you get a podcast. Like this week's podcast.
This week, we dissect the theme of wishes, of wanting, of hoping, of
dreaming. On the show, Ben wishes for superpowers, Jordan becomes a
small shouty black man, Robbie unveils the theme tune to the live-action
Aladdin and James brings out an old impression. It's some podcast this

Friday Oct 07, 2016
#67: Get Shrekked, Michael Caine!
Friday Oct 07, 2016
Friday Oct 07, 2016
This week Team Discharge sets out to explore Youth, and the big questions that surround it: What is Youth, where does Youth go, how do you experience Youth, and what happened in the film Youth starring Michael Caine?
An entire podcast all about the idea of youth, and how it slips between your fingers. Amongst recounting our yonderdays, James dips into his shallow bag of impressions, Jordan is terrified of a TV, and Robbie steals from a school. What a show your ears have ahead of you...

Thursday Sep 29, 2016
#66: Going to the Boring French Pudding Bollock
Thursday Sep 29, 2016
Thursday Sep 29, 2016
normal guys normal podcast

Friday Sep 23, 2016
#65: With Danny Howard and 2 Crude Ducks!
Friday Sep 23, 2016
Friday Sep 23, 2016
I am a DJ, I am what I play. Can't turn around now, can't
turn around. I am a DJ, I am what I play, and what I play is mostly this
week's new Verbal Discharge podcast.
last week's spectacular, bumper-length sold-out live show, did you
think we'd rest on our laurels? Yeah, so did we. But, alas, Discharge is
back, and with a very special guest to boot. This week, we're joined by
Radio One presenter and one of the country's top DJs, Danny Howard, who
talks getting started as a DJ, his iTunes collection and some
Nickelodeon classics. Elsewhere on this week's show, Ben smuggles two
rubber ducks into the studio, Jordan considers moving to Italy, Robbie
tries to remember what's happened recently and James writes Neil
Gaiman's new book for him.

Sunday Sep 18, 2016
#64: Verbal Discharge's One Night Degree LIVE
Sunday Sep 18, 2016
Sunday Sep 18, 2016
On Thursday 15th September, you rallied in your hoards to The
Maypole Cafe-Bar & Theatre to enroll in the University of Verbal
Discharge. And now, we present, our second live show, in podcast form,
for your listening pleasure.
back as we attempt to give you the fullest-possible University
experience over the course of two hours, covering Fresher's Week,
lectures, running our of money, running out of food, graduation and more
besides. This week, James gives us a comprehensive history of fashion,
Robbie develops a worrying tic as he teaches us the secrets to success
is business, Ben find what's really inside the brain, and Jordan finds
nothing inside a sport science student's brain. All this and much, much
more (It's our longest-ever episode, so we mean it for once).

Friday Sep 09, 2016
#63: Little Welsh Riding Hood
Friday Sep 09, 2016
Friday Sep 09, 2016
Once upon a time, in the kingdom of Verbal Discharge, there lived a little podcast...