
Thursday Mar 03, 2016
EPISODE #42: No Country For Osama Men
Thursday Mar 03, 2016
Thursday Mar 03, 2016
Does the podcast form make you uncomfortable, Mr Lebowski?
Our podcasts have been described as strongly comedic. The word itself
makes some men uncomfortable. Comedy. They don't like hearing it and
yet, without batting an eyelid, a man will refer to his drama, his
biopic, or his thriller.

Thursday Feb 25, 2016
EPISODE #41: Isolated School Incident Stories
Thursday Feb 25, 2016
Thursday Feb 25, 2016
The title is clever because it sums up what we talk about,
whilst spelling out ISIS, which we also talk about. Yes, there's some
redundant words in there, and it doesn't quite work on it's own, but
hey. We're being clever. So come back when you've done something even
more clever, like invent the lightbulb. Oh wait, Thomas Edison beat you
to it. Looks like there really is no worth in you after all.

Friday Feb 19, 2016
EPISODE #40: Burglar Bill and the Bottom of the Barrel
Friday Feb 19, 2016
Friday Feb 19, 2016
In the town where I was born, there lived a man who made a
podcast, and he told us of his life, in the domain of Grek, your new
scuttling goblin president.
Another week, another
Discharge. This week, Ben, Robbie and Jordan disappear and, through
uncanny means, become a number of incredible characters, from Grek, a
goblin running for president, to Donald Trump, a goblin running for
president. Particular fans of nonsense, please, hit that play button.

Friday Feb 12, 2016
EPISODE #39: With Natalie Bennett!
Friday Feb 12, 2016
Friday Feb 12, 2016
The Green Party of England and Wales were formed in 1990. They won their first parliamentary seat in 2010. They hit record election figures in 2015, receiving 1.1 million votes. But, in 2o16, they entered he big leagues. In 2016, Green sent their party leader, Natalie Bennett, to appear on Verbal Discharge...
made thirty-eight episodes before now, and they've mostly been nonsense.
This week that's probably especially true, but in the middle of it all
we were honestly, really joined by the leader of Green Party, Natalie
Bennett. She genuinely came on the show, and we quizzed her
in typical Discharge fashion: Children's TV, flop-haired troglodytes,
even a certain chancellor's particular recreational habits. This is
probably the only time you'll ever hear an adult man try to goad a
national party leader into doing a Daffy Duck impression. If that's not
reason enough to listen, surely nothing is...

Thursday Feb 04, 2016
EPISODE #38: Keith Chegwin's Surprisingly Awesome Robot Penis
Thursday Feb 04, 2016
Thursday Feb 04, 2016
We really hope you came across this podcast accidentally
because you searched iTunes for 'Keith Chegwin's Robot Penis'. If you're here
because you like the show and listen to it every week, that's good too,
but if you're the kind of person who looks for songs about Chegger's
cyber-cock, we like you, and want to be your friend. Possibly even your
husband, depending on how you feel about socks in bed.

Friday Jan 29, 2016
EPISODE #37: Totally McDuck!
Friday Jan 29, 2016
Friday Jan 29, 2016
Someday, and that day may never come, I will call upon you to
do a service for me. But until that day, accept this podcast as a gift
on my daughter's wedding day. It's got a bit in it where two fully grown
men have a spontaneous rap battle over their favourite member of Totally Spies! and everything. You'll love it. In fact, just have it. Have it for free. Click play. No, really, do it. This is an offer you can't refuse.

Friday Jan 22, 2016
EPISODE #36: George Osborne is a Cocaine Enthusiast.
Friday Jan 22, 2016
Friday Jan 22, 2016
I'm not sure why you continue to question it. It's in the
title of a podcast now. George Osborne, the UK's chancellor of the
executor, is a cocaine fiend. Just look at him, for crying out loud.
Never has something been so obvious. Anyway, here's a podcast, full of
the usual baseless accusations/truth.

Sunday Jan 10, 2016
EPISODE #35: Bowie & Badger's Bustop Bantz
Sunday Jan 10, 2016
Sunday Jan 10, 2016
Let me show you how it works. First, you press play on the player. This readout tells you how much longer you have to go, this one tells you where you are, this one tells you where you were. You input comments on this keypad. Say, you wanna hear James on a bouncy castle, or witness the birth of Discharge. Here's a red-letter date in the history of science, November 5th 1955. Yes, of course, November 5, 1955...That was the day I invented this episode of Verbal Discharge.
Wow Doc! Another episode of Verbal Discharge! This week, the Discharge crew reassembles purely to sit around and reminisce, like village elders, or the Welsh. What are our topics this week? James striding into a bar in his pyjamas. Jordan being left for dead in an Olympic swimming pool. Robbie causing a girl to have a minor breakdown. Ben's world-class David Bowie impression. Proof all these things actually happened is in this week's podcast...
Friday Jan 01, 2016
EPISODE #34: The Year in Discharge
Friday Jan 01, 2016
Friday Jan 01, 2016
Should old acquaintance be forgot, you can just listen to this week's podcast. The flames of love extinguished and fully past and gone, you can just listen to this week's podcast. That thou cans't never once reflect, in this week's podcast.
This week, we take a look back at the Best of Discharge this year just gone, as we reflect on EVERY SINGLE SHOW (In brief) and have clips from EVERY SINGLE SHOW (In brief) as the Discharge team talk (In brief) about EVERY SINGLE SHOW we've done this year just gone, and present our favourite moments, the things that stand out, and amusing moments Robbie came across whilst he was editing it. Don't go thinking this is just a clip show. It's so much more than that. It's so much more exciting than that. It's got a Supercut of James saying Jason Momoa over and over again, for one. If that's not cause to listen, surely nothing is.

Wednesday Dec 23, 2015
EPISODE #33: A Very Discharge Christmas 2: The Great Paul Walker Massacre
Wednesday Dec 23, 2015
Wednesday Dec 23, 2015
'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house, everyone was listening to Verbal Discharge, even the mouse, who really didn't get the references to late-'90s/early-'00s children's television.
Ho ho ho! It's that time of year again! Another Verbal Discharge Christmas Special charges, reindeer propelled, into your ears. This year, Emily Blunt, Sigmund Freud and Tina Fey's mum pull crackers, Discharge writes the next great Christmas movie and we eat Paul Walker's charred remains, all whilst spreading the festive cheer. Tis, as the old song goes, the season to listen to award-winning comedy podcasts from Derby, after all.

Thursday Dec 17, 2015
EPISODE #32: Britain First, Common Sense Second
Thursday Dec 17, 2015
Thursday Dec 17, 2015
Last Saturday, the UK's top hatemongers, Britain First, aggressively gatecrashed a
peaceful protest in the East Midlands town of Derby. Spewing racism and
bigotry everywhere they went, Verbal Discharge was there to record the
whole thing. And now, your honour, we present the evidence.

Thursday Dec 10, 2015
EPISODE #31: David Cameron Ruins Fanfiction
Thursday Dec 10, 2015
Thursday Dec 10, 2015
Please do not judge thou by the actions made in life, but in
Discharge. Do not select thous sins based on his life, but on his
Discharge. And do not Discharge on thou's actions, but on his podcast.
Thou should listen to this podcast, basically.

Friday Dec 04, 2015
EPISODE #30: Definitely Not About Syria
Friday Dec 04, 2015
Friday Dec 04, 2015
Something happened in the world this week. Something
important, that Verbal Discharge feels strongly about. Something we've
been told we can't talk about. So we're not going to talk about it. Oh
boy, you won't believe how much not-talking about it we do.

Friday Nov 27, 2015
EPISODE #29: Rowdy Whales For Your Home
Friday Nov 27, 2015
Friday Nov 27, 2015

Friday Nov 20, 2015
EPISODE #28: Comedians, Bricks and Jason Momoas with Attitude
Friday Nov 20, 2015
Friday Nov 20, 2015
Discharge ahoy! The winds pick up, the storm sthreatens to
blow the HMS Discharge off course, but, alas, through some expert
sailsmanship, another podcast-ship pulls into the iTunes-harbour, and
the content-crew prepare to disembark for home (Your ears).

Friday Nov 13, 2015
EPISODE #27: Debate, Wait and Masturbate
Friday Nov 13, 2015
Friday Nov 13, 2015
Madonna, the world's leading businesswoman and actress, once
said "A lot of people are afraid of what they want. That's why they
don't get what they want." But there's no need for you to be frightened
of another episode of the Verbal Discharge podcast!
Verbal Discharge springs back into life for yet another week of nonsense, nonsense and more nonsense. The only thing that makes sense is you listening to it. This week, Ben changes identity, James is angry with a postman, Jordan embraces the world of debate, and Robbie discovers the Wild Thornberry's episode that never was. If that doesn't sound like the best thing you've ever listened to, then we're clearly underselling it.

Friday Nov 06, 2015
EPISODE #26: Karl Marx's Rusty Bullethole
Friday Nov 06, 2015
Friday Nov 06, 2015
Remember, remember, the first podcast of November! The gunpowder trio and show; I know of no reason, why this Discharge podcast should ever be forgot! Or at least not listened to immediately by your good self!
It's another podcast, and this time the live show went out on the Fifth November, meaning that we mention fireworks. It's fine, you can pretend it's still bonfire night. This week? What happens this week? James gets sexy with some slugs, Robbie tests us on the world of popular culture, and Jordan is a little tub of bum cream. It's all yours to listen to now...
Friday Oct 30, 2015
EPISODE #25: Mega Wasp Vs Whale Storm
Friday Oct 30, 2015
Friday Oct 30, 2015
The point is, ladies and gentleman,
that Verbal Discharge, for lack of a better word, is good. Discharge is right, Discharge
works. Discharge clarifies, cuts through, and captures the essence of the
evolutionary spirit. Discharge, in all of its forms; Discharge for life, for
money, for love, knowledge has marked the upward surge of mankind. And Discharge, you mark my words, will not only entertain your ears for the next hour-and-a-bit, but that every orifice covering your body.
What ho, it's Discharge time again. Yes, as that comedically quirky old-timey man just said, there's another new podcast for you right here. This week, Jordan runs a whale-based game of Dungeons & Dragons, Robbie delves into the legend of The Halloween Man, and James offers every member of the population a gallon of bleach. Oh, and there's an issue with Jordan's microphone, but we weren't gonig to mention that. Whoops. Just ignore it. Just get over it. It'll all be OK.

Friday Oct 23, 2015
EPISODE #24: From Out of a Scout's Microwaveable Noodle Bowl
Friday Oct 23, 2015
Friday Oct 23, 2015
It was in October, 2015, and the speaker was the well-known Jamesette Bossonivich, maid of honor and favorite from the Verbal Discharge podcast. With these words she greeted Prince Jordan Reynoldsosky, a man of high rank and importance, who was the first to arrive at her reception. Jamesette Bossonivich had been laughing for some days. She was, as she said, listening to Verbal Discharge; Discharge being then a new podcast in St. Petersburg, listened to only by the elite.
War, peace, and everything in between (Which is everything), that's just a small taster of what's coming up on the latest Verbal Discharge podcast. This week, James sets up a murder mystery, Robbie orders a pizza and Jordan sings about Daniel Craig blowing a raspberry. All that's needed now is for you to hit 'Play' and sink back into the pot of glory that is Episode #24...
Friday Oct 16, 2015
EPISODE #23: Muscley Garden Faecese
Friday Oct 16, 2015
Friday Oct 16, 2015
Life, as top-class Jamaican songman Bob Marley once preached, is one big road with lots of signs. So when you’re riding in the ruts, don’t complicate your mind. Free yourself from hate, mischief and jealousy. Don’t bury your thoughts, put your vision into reality. Wake up and listen to the new Verbal Discharge podcast!
It’s a podcast in nothing other than the fact it’s a podcast this week, as Verbal Discharge returned to the airwaves, with a glorious live show on Phantom Radio, everyone’s favourite spooky Derby radio station. However, as you’d hope and expect, the podcast fairies have cut the musicy nonsense and distilled the Discharge down to another fantastic on-demand ear-shot! This week, Robbie takes us to a magical garden centre, Jordan spreads poo on the walls, Ben berates a bloke and James celebrates the best film ever. Yes, this is a description that makes you want to press the play button above…