
Friday Sep 02, 2016
#62: The 29-Inch Sausage Next Door
Friday Sep 02, 2016
Friday Sep 02, 2016
Oh come on, did you think a major politician could say he has a 29-inch penis and we wouldn't focus on it?

Thursday Aug 25, 2016
#61: No Mime's Sky
Thursday Aug 25, 2016
Thursday Aug 25, 2016
Forewarning: There is no comedy in this week's episode of our comedy podcast, but please don't let that put you off.

Thursday Aug 18, 2016
#60: Koala Foreskin Party
Thursday Aug 18, 2016
Thursday Aug 18, 2016
It comes bursting through the door. Discharge. It screams at you. You
scream back, but it does no good. The Discharge has no ears. Only a
mouth, a screaming comedy mouth. You take a deep breath and settle down.
There's only one thing for it: You need to listen...

Friday Aug 12, 2016
Friday Aug 12, 2016
The greatest novelist residing in the living world, Scandinavian genius Jorben Bowen, has written a brand new novella. It's a mind-bending thriller about a podcasting dog, with a thickening plot and twists aplenty. And the only place you can access it is here, in audiobook form, on the Verbal Discharge podcast.
Yes, that's right! After generously writing a pilot script for Ducky McDuck, the man who makes people think "This guy is really good at writing" himself, Jorben Bowen, has kindly donated his latest masterwork, Life's a Dog, to the Discharge cause. In the place of a podcast this week, we instead present the Verbal Discharge cast reading the new novella from the acclaimed author of Concord Swordfirewolf and the Monster That. Listen as James, Robbie, Ben and Jordan read the gripping story of Gnarls Shingler, a dog hell-bent on keeping his gaming podcast going after the death of his partner. It's a story full of twists, turns and totally coherent storytelling that was definitely really honestly written by one really talented author with a grand plan for where it was going.

Friday Aug 05, 2016
#58: The Suicide Olympics
Friday Aug 05, 2016
Friday Aug 05, 2016
It's the greatest show on Earth, as the world's top specimens gather for a global event that thrills and excites people in every country the world over. That's right, it's another Verbal Discharge podcast!
Welcome to the latest Verbal Discharge podcast, definitely live from the 2016 Olympic opening ceremony in Rio, and not a small room in Derby! This week, Jordan presents the coverage of the Olympics, Robbie suggests some new events for 2020, and James is dubious about Suicide Squad. All this and more on Verbal Discharge, the Official Olympic Podcast.

Friday Jul 29, 2016
#57: How to Appoint a New Dischargee
Friday Jul 29, 2016
Friday Jul 29, 2016
Every week, the Verbal Discharge team produces some comedy
and some other stuff. Every week, the Verbal Discharge team slaves
tirelessly over a new podcast, like a tireless slave. Most weeks, Verbal
Discharge has a team of four, working on new content. This is not one
of those weeks. This week, we are looking for fresh blood. Do you think
you have what it takes to join the Verbal Discharge team?

Friday Jul 22, 2016
#56: A Brexit in the Park
Friday Jul 22, 2016
Friday Jul 22, 2016
Discharge returns from hiatus, without actually returning to a studio to record in. We spin back into the podcasting circle live from Markeaton Park, Derby, as we try to catch up on a whirlwind few weeks...
back, and recording an episode outside! This week, James has something
to say about Brexit, Ben almost gets himself arrested by a sunless
underling and Robbie joins a hopeless political party. All of this and
more from the only British satirical podcast that is only just getting
round making 52% jokes...

Friday Jun 17, 2016
#55: Verbal Discharge in the Morning!
Friday Jun 17, 2016
Friday Jun 17, 2016
Welcome to another installment Verbal Discharge In The
Morning, Britain's premiere light entertainment show broadcast before

Friday Jun 10, 2016
EPISODE #54: Euro & Juliet
Friday Jun 10, 2016
Friday Jun 10, 2016
Hey, nothing went wrong with the recording this week! It's a
minor miracle! And just in time for the Euros, the close of voting
registration and the 6th anniversary of an average romcom!

Friday May 27, 2016
EPISODE #53: Milking Dust from a Fox's Penis
Friday May 27, 2016
Friday May 27, 2016
Hello to anyone listening on iTunes! The show is actually called "Milking Dust from a Fox's P****. Fox's P**** is rapper. A very successful rapper, I can't believe you haven't heard of the ol' StarFox before.
So, another week, another studio mishap, but another Discharge. We're all crammed around one mic this week, which is why James sounds really far away, but also still the loudest of any of us, because he's James bloody Bosson. This week, Robbie exhibits his Leicester City fandom, James speculates on penis dust and Jordan avoids talking about his brand new employer. Some fun, some food. It's all inside this week's podcast.

Friday May 20, 2016
EPISODE #52: From The Cutting Room Floor
Friday May 20, 2016
Friday May 20, 2016
It's podcast time again, gang! Only yesterday we found ourselves unable to record this week due to the old technical difficulties, so instead we present half an hour of NEVER BEFORE HEARD bits and pieces from the Verbal Discharge archive!
This week, only Robbie is really present, but you can also hear Jordan wait for Natalie Bennett, Ben forget how to use a microphone, James speculate on what Mel Gibson's up to. All this and a few more bits and bobs, carefully curated from everything we've ever recorded without putting on the podcast.

Friday May 13, 2016
EPISODE #51: Interviewing an Austerity Sandwich
Friday May 13, 2016
Friday May 13, 2016
Live show over and done with, it's back to business as usual
with Team Discharge. By which we mean, Ben isn't here and we talk about
George Osborne again.

Friday May 06, 2016
EPISODE #50: Ducky McGhost Dick LIVE
Friday May 06, 2016
Friday May 06, 2016
Verbal Discharge is 50! Not only have people let us do 50 of these,
people actually paid to come and see us do the 50th show! But, for those
of you who couldn't be at The Maypole Cafe-Bar & Theatre last
night, walked out part-way through and feel guilty or simply want to
relive the whole thing all over again, the show is now available in
podcast form!

Friday Apr 29, 2016
EPISODE #49: Punk.
Friday Apr 29, 2016
Friday Apr 29, 2016
Cheap holiday in other people's misery, I don't wanna holiday
in the sun, at not without a really good podcast. Like Verbal
Discharge. Maybe not this episode, but certainly an episode. OK. This
episode it is.

Friday Apr 15, 2016
EPISODE #48: Pop-Up Pirate, MD's Sexy Scam
Friday Apr 15, 2016
Friday Apr 15, 2016
AHAAHHA! Here's a podcast to treasure, me buckos! Verbal Discharge! Whichever lilly-livered podcast-host makes you crack up first, wins the game! But no one knows where the laughs are going to pop out next! Shiver me timbers, Verbal Discharge is a barrel of fun! From Tomy!
And we'd just like to take this chance to congratulate the small number of listeners familiar with noughties UK toy adverts who appreciated that. For the rest of you? This week, Robbie falls for an email scam, James invents a kinky game of Pop-Up Pirate!, Jordan compares the big issues and Ben finds the villain that shall bring down Spider-Man once and for all. It's a good one this week, honest. Trust Discharge!

Thursday Apr 07, 2016
EPISODE #47: The Mystery of the Overheating Goblin
Thursday Apr 07, 2016
Thursday Apr 07, 2016
Mysterious. Adjective. From French mystérieux. (1). difficult or impossible to understand, explain, or identify. (2). (of a person) deliberately enigmatic. (3). this episode of Verbal Discharge.

Thursday Mar 31, 2016
EPISODE #46: Custom Bionicle Erotica: Dawn of Justice
Thursday Mar 31, 2016
Thursday Mar 31, 2016
Bionicle! Erotica! Batman Vs Superman! It's like our Christmas list when we were 12! This week, Ben brings up Bionicle, James is a hot-stuff Hollywood actress, Robbie watches Batman use Google, and Jordan has graphic sex with James, despite not even being here. Oh me oh my, it's Verbal Discharge, ladies and gents.

Friday Mar 25, 2016
Friday Mar 25, 2016
"I say boy, what day is this?" You shout from your ivory
podcast app at a poor pauper. "Corr, guvnor, it's Friday" he replies,
his throat breaking up as you watch, the black lung consuming him
completely until there is no more. But you don't care. "I haven't missed
it!" you exclaim, and head hurriedly to your iPod. There's a new
episode of Verbal Discharge to download...

Thursday Mar 17, 2016
EPISODE #44: Osborne's Uber Fat Mum
Thursday Mar 17, 2016
Thursday Mar 17, 2016
You splutter into the light. The divine presence gazes upon
you, ready for judgment.Your eternity is to be decided in these few,
blistering seconds. You have lived a good life, a full life, a sin-free
life. You state your case to the creator, and he looks back upon you.
And he speaks, in the most broad and wonderful voice, he speaks. "You
have lead a model life," he says. You clench a fist in semi-celebration.
"But you did not listen to Episode #44 of Verbal Discharge." And
without so much as another word, you are cast into the pit, where Satan
lies waiting, your eternity spent in regret of the one play button you
never pressed.

Thursday Mar 10, 2016
EPISODE #43: Forest of Fashionable Hedgehog Pubes
Thursday Mar 10, 2016
Thursday Mar 10, 2016
"Darling!" your mother shouts "Your friends are here!". You
rush to the door. It's those Discharge boys again. "Hey man," says the
eldest one, with no respect for the grammatical laws of speech "You
wanna come out for another podcast?". Your mother turns and looks at you
disapprovingly. She doesn't want you to go, but she knows you're a big
boy now. She wants to let you make your own decision. You take one look
at your mother and, as the guilt trickles into your mind, you bound out
the door, and towards the podcast...